Holy Temple Church of God in Christ
Dr. Robert A. Young, Founder and Pastor
Celebrating 20 years of ministry: 2004 - 2024
A Brief History of Holy Temple
God is great and greatly to be praised! To Him be honor and
glory throughout the ages of the ages!
Holy Temple Church of God in Christ, founded by Elder Robert A. Young, had its first church service on September 17, 2004 at the YMCA (downtown) Hartford, CT. About 13 souls came together to pray and anoint the YMCA Chapel for holy worship of our God. The members struggled through the snow outdoors and cold indoors, transporting furniture and equipment to each service, suffering from parking tickets and a car towed, to help people get delivered from sin, baptized in the Holy Ghost and learn how to live holy.
After 1 1/2 years of worshipping at the YMCA, Holy Temple had to move due to renovations. In June 2006, God blessed the church to rent the L. P. Wilson Senior Center (cafeteria) and Wilson Community Center for Sunday and mid-week church services. We praised the Lord, won new souls to the Lord and grew numerically. Everyone worked together to move the tables and chairs, before and after worship services. After 5 years, Holy Temple left the L. P. Wilson Community Center due to renovations. In March 2011, God touched the hearts of our friends at Faith Community Church to open their doors for Holy Temple to hold worship services there. The blessings of the Lord were upon us as we worshipped Him in that church setting.
The Holy Temple members continued to search for a permanent place of worship. One late evening, Sister Roberta Young told the Pastor of a church she found on the internet. Later, Sister Doris Eaddy reported that the same church was in the newspaper. The Church Exploratory Team viewed the church with the realty agency.
After 6 1/2 years of praying and looking for our own place of worship, on May 27, 2011, God blessed Holy Temple to purchase the former Wilson Congregational Church, 691 Windsor Avenue, Windsor, CT. Such beautiful and spacious church property exceeded our "wildest" dreams. "Now unto Him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think . . . unto Him be glory . . ." (Ephesians 3:20, 21).
Throughout the history of Holy Temple, we have witnessed to lost souls, distributed gospel tracts; preached the Word of God in its purity; shown love and respect to people of all walks of life; honored the men, women and children of the church; sought to strengthen marriages and families; donated food to the local food bank and contributed to disaster relief agencies during national or global crises. God "continues to add to the church such as should be saved (Acts 2:47)".
We seek to win more souls to Christ throughout the Town of Windsor and all the world (Matthew 28:18-20).