Holy Temple Church of God in Christ
Dr. Robert A. Young, Founder and Pastor
Celebrating 20 years of ministry: 2004 - 2024
Jimmy C. Haynes Bible Institute
Jimmy C. Haynes Bible Institute

Holy Temple was founded by Dr. Robert A. Young. The first worship service was held at the YMCA (downtown - Hartford, CT) on September 17, 2004. Since its’ beginning, Pastor Young has had the desire and passion to educate God’s people in the Holy Scriptures. He dreamed of establishing a school of Christian education. On September 8, 2012, the dream was realized as Dr. Young dedicated the Dr. Jimmy C. Haynes Bible Institute with 34 newly enrolled students in attendance to the first class, “Training for Service.” The school is located at the Holy Temple church campus. The Bible Institute is named in honor of the great pastor, Bible scholar, teacher and author, Dr. J. C. Haynes, who taught and trained thousands of God’s people in the Word of God at Christ Temple Church of God in Christ, Hartford, CT and throughout the U.S.A.
Please visit this page often for upcoming trainings offered by the institute. May God bless all who enter the doors of Bible teaching and learning in the “School of Christ.”
Please check back for upcoming
Institute Trainings.
For more information you can email the Institute staff at holytemplecogic@att.net.