Holy Temple Church of God in Christ
Dr. Robert A. Young, Founder and Pastor
Celebrating 20 years of ministry: 2004 - 2024

The Reverend Dr. Robert Allison Young, was born in Waterbury, CT. His parents sought to instill Christian values and a good work ethic within their children. During the early years, the family attended Faith Temple Church of God in Christ in Waterbury, CT where Elder Louis Irving, who had the gift of healing, was the pastor. The family later attended Richardson Memorial Church of God in Christ, Waterbury, CT, where Elder Louvernal McDaniel was the pastor. Elder Young was saved and filled with the Holy Ghost at this church in 1969 during one of the church revivals. He and the other saved young people enjoyed living holy and fellowshipping with one another. Elder “Mack” McDaniel inspired these young saints.
Elder Young is a graduate of the University of Connecticut where he earned the Bachelor of Arts degree in Sociology, the Master of Social Work degree from the University of Connecticut School of Social Work and the Doctor of Theology degree from International Seminary. It was during his graduate school years that he began attending Christ Temple Church of God in Christ, 790 Albany Avenue, Hartford, CT.
For approximately 30 years Elder Young served in ministry at Christ Temple Church of God in Christ under the tutelage of Dr. J. C. Haynes. In the year of 2003, Pastor Haynes retired and moved out of state due to health reasons. In the year of 2004, God showed Elder Young that his ministry at Christ Temple had been completed. He searched his soul diligently and wanted to run away from God’s call to pastoral ministry, like the Prophet Jonah in the Bible. “I went to hell, like Jonah, and I begged God to give me another chance – I’ll move on from Christ Temple and start a work in your Name.” The Lord told Elder Young to call the new church, “Holy Temple”, as holiness is His standard for all people.
Since the founding of Holy Temple Church of God in Christ, (September 17, 2004), Pastor Young continues to preach biblical holiness doctrine. He is an expository Bible Preacher who usually teaches series of lessons during Sunday and mid-week services. He has been teaching in the Book of Ephesians - a church building book, since the year 2006. He has also taught the following Bible lesson series throughout Holy Temple's years of ministry:
- "The Church"
- "Holiness: God's Standard"
- "The Second-Coming of Jesus Christ"
- "Marriage and Family Life"
- "The Book of Revelation - Letters to Churches and the Tribulation"
- "Forgiveness"
- "Salvation and the Baptism in the Holy Ghost"
- "Transition to a New Church"
- and other lesson series
Souls are being saved, sanctified and filled with the Holy Ghost. The church continues the traditional sanctified, pentecostal-holiness worship style. Young people are attending the church to hear uncompromised Gospel preaching.
Elder Young is the author of the book entitled, "Study Guide to the Dr. J. C. Haynes Study Bible" (1995 privately published). He has also written the following study guides to assist Holy Temple in understanding and applying the Holy Scriptures:
- “Holiness, Health and Happiness” (Sept. 2004)
- “Men’s Studies” (April 2005)
- “The Gospel of John (Jan. 2006)
- “A Study in Ephesians (Jan. 2007)
- “Biblical Leadership” (June 2007)
- “A Journey into the Book of Proverbs” (Sept. 2007)
- “The Ministry of Helps” (Oct. 2008 – in conjunction with the congregation)
- “The Prophets: Holy or False?”(Dec. 2008)
- The Children’s Summer Reading Lists” (2006-2008)
- "Ephesians - Chapter 5" (2010 - addendum to the Book of Ephesians-2007)
- "Bible Talk - The Word of Truth" (March 2011 - edited by the Pastor and Holy Temple members).
Elder Young serves as the teacher of Biblical Leadership in the fourth Saturday conferences sponsored by the Connecticut State Bishop Charles H. Brewer, Jr.; and has written the following leadership study guides:
- "Christ: Our Servant Leader" (2010),
- "Christ: Our Pre-eminent Leader" (2010), and
- "Biblical Principles and Practices for Sanctified Ministers and Leaders" (2011).
He is a conference teacher on the Bishop Ithiel Clemmons Institutional Prayer Clinic Team; and a speaker on the WIHS 104.9 radio program – “The Bread of Life.”
Pastor Young retired from the Hartford Public School System in 2008 after 29 years of service as a Licensed Clinical Social Worker. He and his lovely wife, Sister Roberta A. Young; work together to be a blessing to the people of God at Holy Temple; she is a faithful, fellow-laborer in service for the Lord. They have two grown children and six grandchildren.